All players must know that they take the court and compete at their own risk

All necessary equipment and officials are supplied by Ozsports (excluding bibs, protectors, batting gloves and other personal items) with all games played in accordance with the Ozsports rulebook. Ozsports rule books can be viewed or downloaded from www.ozsports.com

Please call Ozsports 1 week prior to the starting date to confirm first game time

SEASONS: Ozsports conducts 3 seasons per year, each season is 14 or 15 weeks plus 2 weeks of semi-finals with the GRAND finals played on the last Saturday of each season. The seasons run Feb-July, July-Oct, Oct-Feb check at the games desk of on the web for exact season starting dates. Please note games are also played on Public Holidays except for Good Friday and the Christmas-New Year holiday period.

GAME FEES: All game fees must be paid 10 minutes before the game

Game Fees – Volleyball: $60, 6aside Netball: $78, Soccer: $75, Cricket: $120,

Sunday Netball: $91, Mixed & Laides Netball: $105

This is a team fee and must be paid in full regardless of how many take the court.

Teams may pre-pay game fees for the season thus receiving a 10% discount

TEAM BOND: The team bond is one game fee in advance and must be paid when submitting your team nomination. Once a team completes all its scheduled games (which includes finals), the bond will be refunded provided your team does not have any outstanding fees. Should the team forfeit a game with 48 hrs notice, the team shall be charged one game fee.  A forfeit with less than 48 hrs shall incur a double game fee which must be paid before the next game.

OZSPORTS MEMBERSHIP: Ozsports membership (GST Inclusive) is $44/33/22 depending on the season players join and is current until 30th June each year. All team players must be members by their 3rd game. This entitles you to play at any Ozsports Centre, in any sport, in any number of teams. Non-members playing their 4th game will incur a penalty; Beach Volleyball: 5 points, Netball: 5 goals, Cricket: 10 runs, Soccer: 2 goals per non-member and will be unable to participate in any further games until their membership is paid. Teams will forfeit any win points for playing players who are not members as required above.

GAME TIMES: Wednesdays: Cricket, netball, Beach Volleyball, Soccer: 6.00-9.45pm, Super Saver Sunday: 3.00-8.00pm. All teams must be available for a minimum of two games at each start time during the season (e.g. a minimum of two 6pm games). Teams must be ready to play 10 minutes prior to starting time. All teams must be available for all game times during finals games. Beach Volleyball games postponed due to weather will be rescheduled to another time.

LATE START PENALTY: Team captains must ensure their game fees are paid 10 minutes prior to the game time.

Teams will be penalised for every minute or part thereof, if they delay the start of the game in all timed games such as Beach Volleyball, Netball, Soccer: (1 goal/point per minute). After a period of 10 minutes the game will be declared a forfeit. Cricket: The offending team will “face” reduced overs when batting. After 5 minutes, overs will be reduced by one. After 10 minutes, overs will be reduce by 2. After 15 minutes, the game will be declared a forfeit.

UNIFORMS: All teams must be in uniform from the start of their first game as per the nominated sports rules. All team players including substitutes must have identical coloured playing tops. If teams chose to have team logos, team names, player names, player numbers, these must be the same on all playing tops. Each non-conforming team top will incur a penalty: Beach Volleyball: 3 points, Netball: 3 goals, Cricket: 5 runs, Soccer: 2 goals. Netball bibs are available for sale, prices available at the games counter. Bibs may be hired from the games counter at $3.00 per set.

OVERFLOW GAMES: All teams who nominate to play in our competition may be required to play overflow games during the season (i.e. to be available to play on a night that is not your scheduled night). Overflow games may be played on another night to complete a round or other special requirement.

FORFIT & RESCHEDULES: Should your team be unable to play a game, you may, with the consent of the opposing team captain, reschedule the game. The Team Captain requiring the reschedule will need to call the opposing team captain to arrange a time suitable for both teams (using options provided by Ozsports) and then call Ozsports to confirm the change. You must give at least 24 hrs notice. Reschedules must be played within 2 weeks; otherwise the original team unable to play the game will register a forfeit. Reschedules from Week 13 onwards may only be brought forward. Remember If your team becomes short of players, please call us as we may have players on our singer player enquiry list that we may be able to put you in contact with (please give us sufficient notice). If you forfeit the game with more than 24 hours’ notice a single game fee penalty will apply. If you forfeit a game with less than 24 hours double game fees will apply.

BEACH VOLLEYBALL RAIN AFFECTED NIGHTS: On nights when the weather may interfere with the scheduled games, it is the team captain’s responsibility to phone Ozsports ½ hour prior to your game time, to confirm whether the game will be played or postponed. If a night is to be postponed the decision will be made at approximately 5.30pm. The night’s games will be rescheduled to the earliest available time and your Beach Volleyball staff will be able to confirm the reschedule times. Please refer to the Beach Volleyball noticeboard to check these dates. It is the team captain’s responsibility to be aware of the games rescheduled dated and time. (NB – Please note you have nominated to play an OUTDOOR sport, wet nights will not necessarily be rescheduled)

TEAM REGISTRATION: It is the team captain’s responsibility to tick of their players each week on the team registration Spawtz system. The team captain is permitted to tick of a limited number of players for a bye or win on forfeit, provided it is completed at your teams next scheduled game and is authorised by the Sports Manager. Please take care with the above as it is important and may affect player qualifications during finals games.

FINALS: Semi-Finals are played on the teams nominated night with the GRAND FINALS played on the last Saturday of the competition. Please check the noticeboard for Grand Final times.

ELIGIBILITY FOR FINALS: To be eligible for finals games, players must be a current member and sign the finals team card. A player must have played a minimum of 5 games during the season. Please ensure that you have enough qualified plyers as there will be no exception to this ruling. Unregistered/unqualified plyers in finals games will automatically be disqualified from all subsequent games. Management will determine further participation by any team that forfeits a finals game. All teams bust be financial to be eligible for finals. If you have 2 or more teams playing on the same and/or different nights, ensure that you have enough qualified players for each team as game times may clash.

FINALS GAME TIMES: Finals game dates & times are set early to give all players maximum time to arrange their schedules and be available for finals. In fairness to all teams, these dates & times will not be altered. It is the team captain’s responsibility to call Ozsports the day after your teams last round game to confirm your team’s finals games times. In the event of finals games being postponed due to the weather, teams should be aware of, and available for, the games rescheduled date and time. These games will be reschedules to the earliest date possible. Please ensure that your players are aware of the times for Semi-Finals and Grand Finals. These times will be advertised on the notice-board a minimum of 4 weeks prior to the completion of the regular season games.

SPECIAL MATCH AWARDS: All player award and special promotions winners will be announced on Grand Final day at the end of the season.

On behalf of the Management & Staff of Ozsports

We wish you the best of luck and hope you have a great season.

For further info check out our website at